Friday, July 2, 2010

Let them eat cake!

Last night I baked a cake for my dad's birthday... Vegan gluten free double layer chocolate.... Don't let the description fool you... It was delicious! What is it about baking a cake that is so therapeutic? From the moment I get out the bowl, I can't help but smile.. My son always lends a hand (I know he is in it for the spoon lickin') It just feels joyful! And as the cake bakes and that sweet smell fills the air.. the praise begins! My entire family could not eat enough... or thank me enough.... And it was GOOD. And easy! I always forget how fun the entire process is, I think I will bake another one next week :)


M. Pierre said...

if i knew you were comin' id' a baked a cake, baked a cake, ba...
i did plug your blog on mine however.

Mama Pearl said...

Oh great! Thanks...